Number of Results: 7
Seascape paintings from Richard Pearce's beach studio on Bryher.
Isles of Scilly
Uncover the secret Isles of Scilly with a GeoCultura 4 or 5-night small group tour, dedicated to taking you off the beaten track to learn about island life and hear the tales of the islands. Treat yourself to a most…
The unique Valhalla collection is situated within Tresco Abbey Garden and contains some 30 figureheads, as well as name boards and other decorative ships’ carvings from the days of sail.
Alex is an illustrator, painter, and avid beach comber, based in her studio on the West side of Bryher.
Bryher Gallery is a friendly independent space showcasing local and Cornish artisans. Our works include a range of original paintings by artists such as Bryher’s own Richard Pearce and one of Cornwall’s leading…
St. Mary’s
Scilly Walks offers guided walks and boat trips to introduce you to the archaeology and history of the Isles of Scilly.
The sub-tropical Abbey Garden is a glorious exception; a perennial Kew without the glass, home to 20,000 plants from more than 80 countries, flourishing just 30 miles off the coast of Cornwall. The plants that thrive…